
Ontario Points Calculator

"*" indicates required fields

Have you studied for one full-time academic year at a recognized Ontario post-secondary educational institution while on a valid study permit?*

Language Ability

Skilled Work Experience

Skilled Worker Experience is defined by the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) and means: Managerial jobs (NOC skill type 0), Professional jobs (NOC skill type A), Technical jobs and Skilled trades (NOC skill type B).

In the past five years, how many years of skilled work experience did you obtain?*

Work experience in Ontario

Have you obtained 12 months or more of work experience in Ontario, on a valid work permit, in the past five years?*

Close Family Relative in Ontario

Do you or your accompanying spouse/common-law partner have a family relative that is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Ontario. This includes: parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin and step-family members or in-laws of the same relationships.*